today nana nk ckp something..
nana rndu sgt++++++ dkt besties nana ny...
miss their laughter
longing to fight with them
miss about eat together
miss about Create a wicked with them
miss everything that I always make with them! missed all that!
I hope all we've ever made will be
applicable again in the presence of!
korang nk tahu x siapa mereka..??
meh nana nk introduce sorang2
here there are
Eiyzad Chibi
Nur Nbylla
Gieha Kechik
Wawa Juliet |
Sheera la
(sorry coz x nmpk muka u sygs)
korang dh knal mereka
note for my bestie:
ak mnta maaf ye coz ak jrg
lepak dgn korang..jrg ada dgn
korang,mmg jrg pon kn..sorry tau.
klu ak jrg join korang tu,maybe ak trasa
dgn ape yg korng buat..sorry tau..
if korng tngok ak x lepak dgn korang..
hope korang faham..just let me alone for a while..
blh kn?.n i'll cool down by myself
..ngeee ^_^..lasty,ak nk ckp,ak mnta maaf
if ak ada bt salah or ape ke..actually mmg ak pnah
bt salah pon kt korng korng x amik hati
dn ape yg ak bt...sorry sgtt..i just wanna saya that i really
love u guys sooo muchh muchh...don't leave me alone!
terima kasih sudi baca entry nana!like kalau suka!
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